Infertility: What You Need to Know

BlogInfertility: What You Need to Know
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Infertility: What You Need to Know

Infertility refers to the inability to reproduce or produce offspring. It occurs equally in females and males. Infertility is diagnosed when a person is unable to reproduce after having unsafe timed intercourse for over one year. Not only the inability to conceive, but the inability to carry a pregnancy to term is also known as infertility. 

What causes infertility?

While infertility in men and women is equally shared, different reasons cause infertility in both genders. Infertility in men can be caused due to several factors such as-

  • Lower rates of significant sperm production
  • Low sperm count
  • The shape of the sperm cells
  • The movement/agility of the sperm cells

The causes of infertility in females are as follows- 

  • The failure to ovulate
  • Problems in the menstrual cycle
  • Some infections that have affected parts of the reproductive system
  • Failure of the reproductive system to implant the fertilized egg

Infertility Symptoms

While the most telling sign is the inability to conceive for long periods despite having unsafe and timed intercourse, there may be more than one sign that you should see a gynaecologist or visit a fertility clinic. The most common and telling symptoms of infertility are-

  • If a woman is over the age of 35 and has been trying to conceive
  • If a woman is over the age of 40 and trying to conceive
  • If the woman has irregular periods or does not have a regular menstrual cycle
  • If the periods are painful
  • If there have been fertility problems in the past
  • If they have been exposed to radiation or have undergone treatment for cancer
  • If they have had any disease about the reproductive organs in the past
  • If a man has a history of sexual issues, prostate disease, or testicular problems in the past
  • If a man has a family history of infertility
  • If they have undergone chemotherapy or been exposed to radiation
  • If they have had swelling in their testicles or the scrotum region
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Risk Factors that Cause Infertility

In the total number of cases of infertility, there are about one-third instances where the cause or the reason for not being able to conceive cannot be determined. However, certain factors have been observed to put both males and females at a higher risk of infertility. These risk factors include-

  • Age- with the increase in age, there is a gradual decrease in the fertility of both men and women. The fertility window is said to be between the ages of 18 until the late thirties after which both the process of ovulation and sperm production slows down significantly.
  • Smoking tobacco or the use of substances like Marijuana are known to cause infertility in both men and women. It also notably reduces the effect of fertility treatment and is thought to be one of the leading causes of infertility.
  • Studies suggest that there is a direct correlation between consuming alcohol and infertility in both males and females.
  • Being overweight or underweight is also a leading cause of infertility as unhealthy lifestyles tend to hinder reproductive health. Illnesses like bulimia or anorexia are also linked to the inability to reproduce since there aren’t sufficient nutrients in the body to carry the pregnancy to term even if conception is possible in a rare instance.

Infertility Prevention

There are several methods to reduce the risk of infertility in both men and women. One of the best ways to make sure you do not face this issue if there is a history of related medical conditions in the past is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For fertility in men and women, it is essential to reduce or avoid the consumption of harmful substances like tobacco, alcohol, or even prescription and non-prescription drugs. If you are at risk of infertility or concerned about the issue, make sure you talk to your doctor whenever you are given prescription medicines to understand the side effects better. It is also essential to avoid industrial wastes, toxins, and pollutants, which not only affect your reproductive health but your overall health.

It is also equally important to maintain your weight and avoid extreme ends of the weight spectrum, whether it is underweight or being overweight. It is also essential to prevent the use of any recreational drug ranging from marijuana to cocaine as they can severely harm your reproductive health and cause infertility.

While there are preventive measures that can be taken to avoid infertility, it is essential to separate yourself from the cause. Infertility remains a taboo in many cultures and is looked down upon. Make sure you have the right social circles and mental support when navigating these situations and remember that your worth is not defined by one thing. It is essential to treat infertility like any other disease and to reach out for treatment as well as support. If you are looking for a community that talks about health issues and can guide you through this journey- download the RemedySpace app and check out the helpful health forum along with its many other benefits.

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